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Pay in Advance

Click here to reserve your parking spot now. Please have your license plate number ready.

All cruise parkings fees must be paid in full before you board the ship. Your license plate number in our system is your proof of payment.

On-Site Payment Options

If you prefer to pay for your parking spot when you arrive at the terminal, you may choose one of the following payment methods:

If you forgot to pay or entered the wrong license plate number, call Premium Parking's 24-hour assistance line at 1-844-236-2011


Any car, minivan, truck (including extended cab), SUV, motorcycle, or vehicle that can fit into an 8'-6" tall by 8’-6" wide by 16' long spot is considered a regular-sized vehicle. Height-restricted vehicles unable to fit into a standard size spot will be directed to offsite parking at Mobile Civic Center and pay the regular size rate. All oversize vehicles will be directed to offsite parking.

Regular Size:



Parking Procedures